Extended Lock down… until when?

This second worse wave of Covid-19 has gotten me thinking… is this the rest of our lives?

God created mankind with a purpose. To glorify Him in His image in which we were created.

When God created the earth and everything in it, it was good and perfect. Then mankind was created – created to rule over the good earth, to fill it, to subdue it. We were given work, a vocation, a sense of purpose. As image bearers, we reflect that purpose in our creativity. As image bearers, we were also created to thrive in community.

And now, the finest intelligent brains in science have used their creativity in manipulating corona viruses which were only meant to stay in the animal realm to now devastate mankind. This privilege given to do research with the aim of the betterment of society in disease prevention has been misused by evil men whose stewardship was used to destroy the very life it first set out to protect. The lives of millions of loved ones and well-being of millions more have been stolen from them.

Right now “work” for many have been stolen as businesses have shut down and livelihood lost. For the rest who still manage to hold on to employment, their sense of fulfillment have now been reduced to a screen.

The community designed for people who were meant to regularly be with in communal worship has been stripped down no community, or at best, to that same screen. The opportunity we could have meeting friends over gastronomic experiences* to once again, enjoy (God’s creativity through) the ingredients that were sourced and used by different cultures in their cuisines have also been stolen from us. Any sense of community is up to the remnants of a struggling intermittent internet bandwidth.

This may all sound far fetched and over the top, and life is really not bad as I count my blessings, but the state of surviving we are in is not how God created our world that He saw as GOOD. The world now is being ruled by evil men; filled with grief, pain, sickness, and contamination; subdued by greed, lies, hatred, racism, and injustice n His time, God will judge those evildoers who cause so much harm and scarring impact to the world we live in. Right now I’m just so tired of damn Covid-19. Come quickly Lord.

*Please forgive me… gastronomic experiences are really not all that important, but nowadays, it’s all I can think about.


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